
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Something I pray Emma never loses...

One of the qualities I love about our sweet girl is her amazing compassion! We've noticed this quality in her since the moment she became aware of her surroundings. If she hears a baby crying in the store or on TV, a concerned look comes over her face and she says, "Mommy, that baby is sad. She's crying!" Today we told her Lorelei (her friend) was sick. The same look of concern came on her face and she said "I want to give Lorelei a hug...it'd make her feel better." Then she put up her hand up for a high-five and said "A high-five would make Lorelei feel better...mamma, give Lorelei a high-five?!" Too cute! This concern is not only for friends, but pets as well. Ben took Emma to look at the fish today while grocery shopping. In the tank the bigger fish were chasing the little fish, and Emma again was concerned for their safety.
This is such a great quality that I pray never goes away. Compassion is an amazing gift, shown first and foremost by our Heavenly Father. We need this more in our world, so I pray God will protect our little girl and this gift.

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