
Thursday, February 19, 2009

Bye Bye Nuk!

Well, after a VERY trying day with Emma, we decided it was time to get rid of the Nuk. It was getting to the point of causing Emma to be disobedient...she would climb in and out of her crib to get it, even when we said it was stictly for bed. Jess cut the tip off on Thursday, gave it back to her that night to show her it was "broken", she had it a little on Friday, and it has been cold turkey ever since. She's been pretty good with it being gone. She asks for it when shes upset, but otherwise doesn't really bring it up. If she does, it's more to say "Nuk..Nuk is broken.". We are thrilled at how well it's going.
We've been really busy lately, so her napping schedule is way off. She hasn't napped in 4 days...today was the first time we could get her to take one. Needless to say, she's thrown many tantrums due to being over tired. She gets in a state that's beyond snapping her out of...kind of like she's possessed...it's weird and we absolutely hate it. We're exhausted!

On a side note:
We took Emma to the Preschool interview and it looks like we are enrolling her for this year. The head of the school said she couldn't believe Emma turns 3 in September, she thought maybe March. What a great compliment to hear as a parent...she has the social maturity of a 3 year old and she's only 2 1/2. Love it!

We're putting our Honda on the market this upcoming week. Pray it gets sold quickly...things are going to get even tighter in March.

1 comment:

Deidre said...

Way to go with the Nuk. It was horrible for us to get rid of it with our first two little ones! Ugh. Not fun, I feel for you. It was great when Abram didn't want it! What a relief that was.

Yay for the preschool. Emma will love it.