
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Just Keep Trying!

We've been working on not giving up with Emma lately. She gets really frustrated when she tries to do some thing and it doesn't work exactly the way she wants it to (or how fast she thinks it should). She wants so desperately to be a BIG girl, but doesn't realize how hard it can be some times. Things are so easy for daddy and mommy, so it should be that easy for her too. It reminds me of this past summer (it's nice to look at pictures of warmer weather during the wintertime), when she tried to ride a bike. She couldn't keep the momentum going, so she would just sit there and go nowhere. As a mother, I just wanted to help her, but Ben likes to remind me to stop coddling her.
In my mind Emma's growing up too fast, but not fast enough for her. So when new situations come up and she needs help, I will encourage her to just keep trying!

Starting off Great...


Taking a moment...

Trying to stay grumpy...

Giving in a little for mommy...

She can't stay grumpy for that long...

Frustrated that mommy kept "making" her smile...

She got back on and look at that face! Success!

1 comment:

Deidre said...

I have to do the same thing with Caden. I think it is a first born thing. Keep strong and continue to teach her the importance of perseverance. We started having Caden memorize scripture that teaches it. Then, when things get difficult, we would recite the scripture with him. It really helps to bring peace to the situation. Just a thought.