
Friday, November 4, 2011

It's Friday.
Oh, how we need the weekend. Not all of the week was bad, just the ending. Norah was sick...fighting a stomach bug. Wow, was that hard watching her be sick. It's hard when any kid is sick, but especially a baby. Little by little, I've been giving her more food. She was doing great, until the bug decided to move to another location. Sad! She just keeps food shoveled in her mouth and won't swallow. She knows what the end result will be.
Despite all of that, she did giggle on the swings today. Big breakthrough! She usually cries on the swings at the park. I'm hoping for more giggles this weekend!


Lisa E said...

Oh Jess! so sorry my little love shared the bug... possibly, but you're right seeing sick kids is heart hard. Ben told me to take a look at your blog- I like it! He said you had a link to the place you ordered your cards I'd love to check them out. can you let me know who you used? Thanks Lisa E

Lisa E said...

goofy- just saw the add on the right... it didn't show up right away on the mac.