
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I have an enemy, like most people.
Well, I have more than one, if I'm honest.
Which, why wouldn't I be honest.
Like most enemies, they are unaware of my feelings.

(Do you like my makeshift bee hive?)

Wasps. Bees. Hornets. Any stinging bug.
I don't care how irrational it might come across.
I get anxious every Spring thinking about them flying around my head.
There's no tragic story of being attacked.
My husband even reminded me last night, that the last time I got stung was 20 years ago. 
I like to say I have a healthy fear of them.  
My husband would just laugh at that statement.
I think the reason I haven't been stung since that one incident is because I'm VERY aware of my surroundings.
I see them fly by and I duck for cover.
I look like a maniac.  Some times I even flail and scream.
Not graceful.
Then I watch them like a hawk to see where they are making a new "home". 
I don't allow it.
I get the Raid and spray like crazy.
I've googled some other remedies.
I have kids.
Raid is poisonous.
I want to stinging bugs gone, not my kids.
I can't avoid going outside.
I don't want to shelter my children from the outside world of insects.
Emma is now even freaked out by the sight of anything small and flying through the air.
I realize I have to calm down since she's apparently watching me.
I have to take control.
Well, as much as I can.
That's where the makeshift bee hive comes in handy.
Not really.
They are still around.  Taunting me.
We are going to try peppermint spray.
It repels them.  
Well, I'll believe that when I don't see them anymore.

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