
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Our morning routine.
Wakeup.  Hoping and praying the morning runs smoothly.
Sneak downstairs (if girls aren't in bed with me).
Make Coffee.
Grinder is so loud.  Bound to wake someone up.
Yep, there are the sweet little footsteps on the stairs.
Will they greet me with happy smiles or a hazy look in their eyes (indicating grumpiness)?
Get breakfast on the table.
Cereal again.
Make coffee while girls chat about their dreams.
Make Emma's lunch.
Clean up Norah after breakfast attacked her.
She wears both a bib and towel for her lap.  
Or an apron.
Rush the girls upstairs to get ready.
Lay Emma's clothes on bed.
Encourage Emma to change out of pj's.
Encourage Norah to read books.
I get ready.
Look into room, encourage Emma again to stay on task.
Put on makeup.  It helps me feel more civilized. 
Look into room again, no longer in the encouraging mood.
She's still in her jammies.
Frustration starts to settle (if it hasn't already)
She's been tardy so many times.
Mommy guilt sinks in.  
I didn't want to yell.
Girls brushing teeth.
Pushing each other off stool in bathroom.
One of them is crying.  Emma
One of them is yelling.  Norah 
Give kisses.  Say your sorry.  Don't push.  Be nice.  You're alright.  
All these fly out of my mouth to hurry them along.
Finally we get downstairs.
I run up and down a couple more times in search of socks, shoes, diapers, blankies, toys, etc.
Anything to get out of the house NOW.
Girls line up at the door.
We are ready to leave.
(I have an alarm set on my phone letting us know when we need to be out the door.)
It helps.
Some times.

Throw a few "Girls stop fighting", diaper being changed, hair combed (unfortunately not every morning), and stuff thrown in back pack.  This is usually how we operate in the morning.  I'm happy to say that the last three mornings have gone smoother.  Less chaos.  Getting out the door sooner.  With more ease.  

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