
Monday, December 22, 2008

St Nick's and decorating our Christmas tree...

We've decided to celebrat St Nick's w/ Emma since we're not doing Santa on Christmas Day. Ben and I really want to emphasize Jesus on Christmas because He's the reason we celebrate; throw Santa in there and it can get confusing. Ben never celebrated Santa when growing up, his family actually made a birthday cake for Jesus and sang to Him. I really want to make that a tradition for our family. My parents would say gifts are from Santa, but I don't think I ever really believed. I'm excited to focus on Truth, especially during this season. We're still decorating and giving gift, but focusing on the best gift of all: JESUS! While decorating the tree (Emma helped this year), she found her Tinkerbell ornament and wouldn't let us put her on the tree. We have video of her running away and saying "no Tinkerbell on tree". Shortly after this, she dropped Tinkerbell and her leg broke off. We had to glue her back on and she's now on the tree, safe from Emma's grasp.

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