
Thursday, April 2, 2009

Papa's going to get you a diamond ring....

Apparently Emma has already made her decision about the size of her engagement ring.  On Wednesday nights, two high school students watch Emma while Jess is a leader at the Junior High ministry.  She's always really good for them, and seems to really enjoy her time playing with them.  PRAISE GOD!  
Last night, some how the topic of boys and rings came up.  (Funny how they go together)  Well, Emma said she'd like a 7 Karat ring and then she'd give a Karat to mommy.  Then she would have 6 karats....Yes!  Our daughter did subtraction!  Basically what I just wrote was what came out of a 2 1/2 year olds mouth.  Genius!  
Ben and I are constantly amazed at the little things she says...as well as the BIG things.  This is definitely one of the BIG things!)  
Not only is Jess excited that Emma did subtraction, but also that I'll get a 1 karat ring some day!  =)

1 comment:

Deidre said...

So does she understand karats, or is it carrots?

Out of the mouth of babes! So adorable! Yay for subtracting, too! Isn't it so fun when your child does something as big as that? YAY EMMA!!!