
Thursday, April 9, 2009

Worry and Stress....

I'm reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan again.  (I love finding books that inspire you every time you pick them up).  
Well, this week has been a battle.  Battle of the mind.  Battle of the spirit.  Pretty much a battle in every way.  I (Jess) struggle with worry and stress.  If you know me at all this is no surprise.  By the grace of God, it's getting better.  Ben doesn't call me dooms day anymore, so that's definitely a good sign.  Anyway, as I was reading tonight, I came across two definitions that stood out to me and pretty much knocked me on my face.  Here they are:
"Worry implies that we don't quite trust that God is big enough, powerful enough, or loving enough to take care of what's happening in our lives.
 Stress says that the things we are involved in are important enough to merit our impatience, our lack of grace towards others, or our tight grip of control." (p.42)

Even now, I'm speechless.  WOW...the only word that comes to me to describe how small I view God when I worry and stress about things.  I look at my "problems" as these HUGE things, and make excuses for the way I behave towards those I love.  Sad!  
I also read Job 38 today.  I stood in awe of God!  Read it....it helps put many things in perspective, or at least it did for me today.

1 comment:

Deidre said...

You're learning important lessons! The best way to learn these lessons, aside for reading the word of God and Him encouraging you, is experience. I'm learning it so much more. As I sit day in and day out, knowing that Dan's job could be gone any second, I am content. I never even imagined that would be possible. I used to freak out about things like this. But I am learning that God is WAY bigger than any circumstance and He already has it all figured out. The more you're able to go through life without worrying and stressing, you know you are able to trust Him more than before! I'm proud of you for standing strong when things seem to pull you down! Just from the things you write, it is SOOO obvious you're doing so much better! Keep trusting Him!