
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Lobster RED!

Yesterday I was outside ALL day; can you tell by the photos?! I wasn't aware of how badly I was getting burned, actually I was more concerned for everyone else. I wanted to get some color, so decided not to put on sunscreen until the mid-point of the day; not a great idea!

Ben just laughed when he saw me and continues to do so. We were listening to a song last night and he told me " I need you like your legs need Aloe"...such a sweetheart! Not only am I getting it from Ben, but also Emma comes up to me saying "Mommy you match my pink book." Keep up the jokes; I'm laughing! Really, I am! I have no one to blame but myself.

Just sad my face looks like this; it would be okay if it was an even burn, but sadly I wear BIG sunglasses on sunny days!

Emma wants to be like her mommy.


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