
Sunday, September 23, 2012

 A Little Babble about a Cup.

Whenever I get a Caribou drink, I find it really hard to throw away the cup.  Have you seen these cups?  The whole theme is “Life is short.  Stay awake for it.”  Yes, I do see the correlation to caffeine.  Most mornings I do need the jolt that caffeine offers to stay awake and get through.  But, all the sweet things written on this cup, make it hard to throw away.  This one says “Tear Jerkers, Chocolate Breakfast,  Hula Hooping, Grilling, bonfires, smores, looking into a loved ones eyes, etc”  All these moments (and so many more) are definitely ones I want to be awake for.  I think, no I know, its hard for me to do.  To stop all the busyness, and  actually sit still long enough to enjoy my children playing…actually playing, not fighting.  To listen to their sweet laughter.  To answer the question that is asked every night at dinner (started by Emma and now followed by Norah) “What was your favorite part of the day?”  Usually the answer is “Right now.  This.”  Some times its because I didn’t “rest” or “stay awake” for other moments of the day.  It seems silly to write a post about a cup, but its so much more to me, in this journey I am on.  The way God wants to get my attention.  He gives me such sweet moments throughout the day.  A fresh fall breeze.  Sun shining through the trees casting shadows as I walk on a path.  My chubby daughters cheeks that I just can’t get enough of these days because I know they will fade away as she gets older.  I was given this book for Christmas last year.  I never finished it, but really need to.  It’s about being thankful to God for all the sweet moments/gifts He gives us daily.  The author gives a challenge of writing them down.  There are times I’ve taken up this challenge, and it has brought blessing.  A sweet spirit of God being with me throughout the mundane, or what I would consider the mundane of my day.  It helps me pick up my camera and capture these moments with my family and friends.  To look at life through a lens.  And some times, I need to put my camera down if it becomes more a distraction.  And in the end, its more than just a cup that jolts my thinking back into place, its about cherishing this crazy journey called life that I get to be on.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It really is the little things, cause that's what day to day life is made up of right? Love this post!