
Thursday, September 20, 2012

SIMPLE Honesty.
Life right now.
Things are hard.  We've been frustrated lately.  We're getting through.  Trying not to succumb to hopeless thinking.  We're fighting to stay "awake" to the little moments of joy.  Pushing through our desire to sit it all out right now.

Monday was a HUGE God day (isn't every day, even if we can't see Him), Ben had a horrible headache.  A friend and I prayed, and then I got a text from Ben saying his headache was gone.  Amen.  Another friend shared their need for a check to come in the mail, otherwise bills weren't going to get paid.  She got home; a check was in the mail.  Another Amen.  Other friends had their third little one, despite what looked like complications.  She's healthy and beautiful and doing great!  We need these sweet God moments in the midst of life right now.  We're thankful for them.

I think I grind my teeth at night.  They hurt!  I've had dreams of not being able to bite down correctly.  Makes me think I am actually trying to close my mouth all night long.  Yikes!  I've been waking up with my jaw clenched.

Trying to figure out potty training.  Norah's gone several times on the potty.  Not ready for cold turkey panties yet.  I'm not ready for the clean up.

Emma loves school.  She does ask me about homeschooling though.  I just remind her it wouldn't be watching cartoons all day.
She's been interested in what she's going to be when she grows up.  Today, she told me she no longer wants to be a Vet, but would like to be a farmer.  After I told her that farmers get dirty (she thought farmers dressed fancy like cowgirls), she told me she's going to stick with being a Vet or working with animals actually.  The whole giving shots to animals makes her sad.
Emma turned 6 since the last time I wrote anything.  She's Sweet.  Lovely.  Beautiful.  

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